OK, so you have Minecraft and you want to mod it. This technique is for the Minecraft Forge mods. This is supposed to make things easier for you and certainly it does compared to the old way which I will post later.
The idea is that rather than slamming files into Minecraft.jar you instead create a directory (folder) under your .minecraft directory called mods and stuff the zipped mod file in there. Easy right -- that is until you realize you have a few more things to do.
1) create a mod directory under your .minecraft directory
mkdir /home/(user name)/.minecraft/mods
Remember a dot in front of a file name is Linux's way of hiding the directory.
2) Install Minecraft Forge.
You can find the link at
Select (installer) and the latest version. As of this writing, it works with Minecraft 1.74
Download the zip file
IF you have a lot of adblockers you won't get past adfly but if you
(a) copy the link location by right clicking on the link
(b) pasting the link in a new window (don't hit enter)
(c) deletting everything until you see http:files... the first few entries of the header are for adfly
Now you are ready to install the zip file.
From the command line (terminal), move to the directory of your file...wherever you stored it. IF it is the desktop, just do
cd /home/(user name)/Desktop <use capital letters as you see for Desktop>
Now type
java -jar (name of your Minecraft forge file.
This will execute the java file and install minecraft forge. Always remember to select 'client'
Now run Minecraft, and you'll see a new profile called 'forge'. Select that profile and you should see your mod in action.
This website is all about Linux with tips and tricks for the Linux fan. I will concentrate mainly on Server tips as well as command line help and some web programming.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Minecraft on Linux - Texture packs
Texture packs
Of all the things that Minecraft is known for, documentation is not one of them. As a matter of fact, I found the documentation a bit confusing. Part of the confusion is the fact that Minecraft has a multitude of versions with varying degrees of success.
This documentation is written for 1.74
1) Download a texture pack. This can be confusing as you may be stuck on a lot of ad sites. Be careful and pick from Minecraft.org.
2) Copy whatever zip file you have...AS IS to the .minecraft/resourcepack directory.
3) Launch Minecraft
4) Select options and texture packs and pick the texture pack from a list.
You are done.
If you get stuck on Addfly, you can easily bypass it by copying the link to a new browser window and deleting the first part of the URL with addfly in it up until the http:
Good luck.
Of all the things that Minecraft is known for, documentation is not one of them. As a matter of fact, I found the documentation a bit confusing. Part of the confusion is the fact that Minecraft has a multitude of versions with varying degrees of success.
This documentation is written for 1.74
1) Download a texture pack. This can be confusing as you may be stuck on a lot of ad sites. Be careful and pick from Minecraft.org.
2) Copy whatever zip file you have...AS IS to the .minecraft/resourcepack directory.
3) Launch Minecraft
4) Select options and texture packs and pick the texture pack from a list.
You are done.
If you get stuck on Addfly, you can easily bypass it by copying the link to a new browser window and deleting the first part of the URL with addfly in it up until the http:
Good luck.
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