- You know about editing files:
- You know about the command line:
- You know what (eth0, eth1) is:
As you know (or don't) linux automatically assigns a name for any Ethernet card in the system. This can be helpful -- unless you change cards and discover all your links to that card are...gone. How do you fix it???
Well, Linux has one directory that you should know about and its called /etc. That directory is off of / (main root directory). If you want to change anything, try to find the file in there first.
First using your favorite editor type this:
vim /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
Now I'm using vim for an editor but you can use anything you want. Inside the file though will contain
obvious entries with eth0, eth1, etc. Change the names as desired and save the file.
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