Monday, March 19, 2012

Bad video display in XFCE fix from command line


XFCE is kind of dumb. It doesn't back out of bad display setting such as 1280*1024 which, for whatever reason, you're card or monitor can't handle. Instead it leaves that whole crappy display up there for you to suffer with.  Here's how to fix it.

You would think that modifying /etc/xorf.conf would be your go-to center for changing the display settings from the command line in XFCE.  NO!

Nope, there is a profile saved with each user -- which I suppose has its benefits.  Here is where you modify it...get ready for a long path.

vim ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml

Set the proper resolution in displays.xml.

Whatever it is, a safe choice is 800*600.  Then you can take it from there. 

I am also told that:

xfconf-query works but I've never found it useful.

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